Hey, I’m Brandon the Dom.
I help men develop their Dominance, women to surrender to their submission, and couples to experience deeper connection, kinky and wild sex, and fulfilling emotional intimacy.
I was just like you once, full of a brimming desire to explore all of my sexuality and having no clue where to learn how to do so. Yes, the internet is a magical place, but it’s full of a lot of noise and fluff. It was hard to find in depth material by people who actually live this lifestyle. Which is why I started this website, to help guide you.
Truth is, these topics are near and dear to my heart. Coming from a home of terrible relationship models (single mom, father with 3 divorces), I had zero education about sexual or relational dynamics. Despite this, I had a decade long monogamous relationship with 4 years of marriage. After the passion died, we divorced amicably and are still amazing friends. However, I never felt the standard mold fit me, had an insatiable sex drive, unlived kinky fantasies, and a powerful part of my personality that was being suppressed.
So after the divorce I dove head first into the BDSM scene. My first play party was one of the largest in the area which can get 700-900 people in a single night. I’ve volunteered with them for a few years now, taking their training including those to be a dungeon monitor. I also started leading a munch (just a kinky meetup where people network and talk about sex rather than business) and threw a few of my own play parties, too. I embraced non-monogamy, having many beautiful relationships with dozens of submissive women at different depths and lengths of time, all while being honest, ethical, and emotionally available. I’ve also embraced my dominant personality in all areas of my life where I lead and it has made me an incredibly powerful person inside and outside of the bedroom.
Now I want to help you do the same. Ready to get started? Try one of these articles.
P.S. If you want a more intimate window into my sexuality, you can find me on FetLife.